Volunteer Signup

Each club must provide 1 show n shine trophy
Each club should provide 1 adult game and 1 kids game
Individuals are welcome to do a phantom trophy and game also!

Club must provide all schnaaps & tickets. You can keep all of the proceeds.
Friday Night: 
Saturday Night: 

HOAVC Council Trophies: Suzy and Henry
Dash Plaques: Tammy Kenney
Security & Gate: HOAVC Officers & H.I.V.E.
Vanner & Vannerette: 
Band: Friday - 

Each club must provide 1 phantom show n shine trophy. You choose what you want the award to be for.
HOAVC to provide 1 Council trophy.

Each club should provide 1 adult game and 1 kids game

Email us for additional info

HOAVC Havoc Volunteer Signup